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Work Permit

The Illinois Department of Labor oversees the safety of minors in Illinois by regulating the employment of workers under 16 years of age. The law protects children by limiting working hours, prohibiting work in hazardous occupations, and requiring employment certificates (820 ILCS 205/1-22 Child Labor Law).


The law protects children by:

  • Requiring an employment certificate, which confirms that a minor is old enough to work (must be 14 years old except for models/actors), physically capable to do the job, and that job will not interfere with the minor's education;
  • Prohibiting work on premises where alcohol is served or in hazardous occupations, and
  • Hour Restrictions
    • When school is in session, children 14 and 15 years of age may work:
      • Up to 3 hours per day;
      • Up to 24 hours per week; and
      • The combined hours of school and work may not exceed 8 hours per day.
    • When school is NOT in session (including summer vacations, holidays and weekends), children under the age of 16 may NOT work:
      • More than 8 hours per day;
      • More than 6 days per week; nor
      • More than 48 hours per week.
    • Allowed hours of work are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. except between June 1st and Labor Day, when working hours may be extended to 9 p.m.
    • A scheduled meal period of at least 30 minutes shall be provided no later than the 5th hour of consecutive hours of work.




Before proceeding, please make sure you've secured employment.

  1. Parent(s) & employer read the Illinois Child Labor Laws
  2. Please provide all documentation as noted below.
  3. Parent & minor must be present together in the office to complete the permit.



  1. Application for Issuance of Work Permit completed by student, parent/guardian and employer.
  2. Proof of Age:  an original birth certificate is preferred.  If not available, we will accept a passport, insurance policy, or notice of birth registration.
  3. Original Social Security Card
  4. State ID or Valid Drivers License of Parent/Guardian
  5. Principal's Statement
  6. Certificate of Physical Fitness Form

ROE #3 Work Permit packet