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Upcoming Events

5 County Institute

Oct 6, 2023
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Are you ready for some great PD? To meet up with old friends and new colleagues?? Well here we go!!  Check out the ROE #3 Institute session via the Sched app!  It's easy! Just download the Sched app to your phone and check out all the amazing professional development opportunities that will be available at the institute!


Link to download app IOS and Android


App Tour


Sched is the only way to see the sessions and descriptions for institute. You can use your phone or your computer to check out the day's events and build your own schedule. 


Remember - check-in for institute will be via QR code. If your phone does not have the capability to scan QR codes, let your principal know and we can log you in personally the week after.